.../Mailing Lists/Lightwave (mail to: lightwave@bobsbox.rent.com)
21400.3.3.203 Add me to the List
4/16/92 22:41 6/ "Scott Jones (Dr. Jones)" <jones@plains.nodak.edu>
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I guess the subj says it all. Please sign
me up to the Lightwave mailing list.
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21400.3.3.204 RCS FusionForty for << $$
4/16/92 14:56 10/ Michael.Bender@eng.sun.com
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What are people's experiences with using the FusionForty recently
described on this list? Right now, I'm using a GVP A3001 (w/o any
32-bit RAM :-() running at around 45 MhZ on my A2000 and a
Toaster/Lightwave, soon to be upgraded to 2.0. I want to upgrade my
system speed, and I'm not sure whether to add 32-bit RAM to my GVP
accellerator or go for the FusionForty.
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21400.3.3.205 morphing software and NYC
4/16/92 12:50 24/ Jason Andreas <jandreas@cs.ulowell.edu>
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Because of all the inquiries people have sent about my morphing software
I'll just post to the mailing list.
The differences between IM and my stuff is I believe IM allows you to plot
points anywhere (same here) next they make a triangle mesh where as I use
spline patches. The second is speed, it takes 30 seconds to process a frame
and this should get alot faster when I finish putting everything in assembly
and use fixed point integers instead of lattice's FFP library. The software is
still very early beta and will be for sometime, i'm working on five other projects that i'm being paid for, so they take some preference over morphing.
I've also got binaries compiled on an HP9000/720, IBM RS/6000, and Sun SPARC I.
I would like to do an X-windows interface. But for now I'm using RPC calls
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to a server program that processes the morphs, with the interface on the amiga.
My software is still a long ways from something commercial so I wouldn't hold
out on purchasing IM to wait for this. IM has alot of IP features that I won't
include that are very usefull. I'm also considering a batch compositing tool
and a module for morph that will automatically pick out points of interest
making the initial setup less tedious. As for mailing out copies to people.
I'd like to eventually go commercial with this software so I think WOC at NYC
would be a good place to give out beta copies. Siggraph would be better, but
that is a long time away from now. I will be at the show saturday or sunday.
Most likely sunday, spring carnival is on wed-sat and I have to do a snowboard
demo at the snowboard teams booth. If there is a get together on saturday
like the one at siggraph, and I can't make it, I'll get a list of people who
were there and contact them about getting a copy of MoRf v0.7.
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.../Mailing Lists/Lightwave (mail to: lightwave@bobsbox.rent.com)
21400.3.3.206 Re: Zoom suggestion
4/17/92 07:28 15/ Mark Thompson <mark@westford.ccur.com>
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> Guess will bring some frames to the show and we can swap stories, bet it
> makes quite a comotion in the both we decide to "discuss things at" I
> trust you'll bring good junk to.
Yeah, I'll bring a tape and possibly a disk or two. The tape is a hodge
podge of test anims, commercial jobs, demos, and some recent 2D morphing
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Has anyone bought the new Zeus card from PP yet? I heard that it's selling in the range of $10,000 right now. PP either must be trying to offset the price for the SCSI-2 implementation or that card must really fly to cost that much.
If anyone seen the card in operation, leave a reply. Those SCSI-2 drives 10Mb/sec must be excellent for Toaster operation.. It could be just the thing for
realtime 24 bit animation. (a little slow but acceptable).
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.../Mailing Lists/Lightwave (mail to: lightwave@bobsbox.rent.com)
21400.3.3.212 Re: RCS FusionForty for << $$
4/20/92 13:54 34/ Mark Thompson <mark@westford.ccur.com>
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> Has anyone bought the new Zeus card from PP yet? I heard that it's selling
> in the range of $10,000 right now. PP either must be trying to offset the
> price for the SCSI-2 implementation or that card must really fly to cost
> that much.
I think you are confusing this board with some other. I was told that it would
list for approximately $2900 with 0K memory and no disk. To fully configure
it with say 64MB of RAM and a 500MB fast SCSI-2 drive, you are getting up
around $8K.
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> If anyone seen the card in operation, leave a reply. Those
> SCSI-2 drives 10Mb/sec must be excellent for Toaster operation.. It could
> be just the thing for realtime 24 bit animation. (a little slow but
> acceptable).
If you could actually achieve 10MB/s continuous transfer, a 15fps Toaster
animation would be possible. In my last conversation with PP however, they
said they were only achieving around 8.3MB/s and that the Amiga OS was to
blame. But even if you could get 10MB/s transfers, you are still going to be
limited by the bus transfers from 32bit RAM to Toaster display memory and
I don't believe you can achieve anywhere near 10MB/s there.
As for seeing a board in operation, I am told they will not be showing it
off at WOC in NYC simply because PP will not be there. However, I am slated
to receive the first board that they ship, which should be about a week
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.../Mailing Lists/Lightwave (mail to: lightwave@bobsbox.rent.com)
21400.3.3.384 TimeBase correctors
10/31/92 20:51 7/ rpmartin@acs.ucalgary.ca (Rob Patrick Martin)
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or (both the TBC and Vectorscope are internal cards, using the PC slots) is also an excellent product and very inexpensive. Both these cards sell for about $999 US.
Hope this helps...
David Beresford
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Well, that's not entirely true, I do a lot, but As yet I
have not profited from my work. I'm just an Amiga user who
wanted to spend his last dime to get a Toaster Card. I
don't work for any production house or studio. I work for
the AV dept. here at the University. I do from time to time
bring it in and add some umph to are in house stuff. I do
have one aninimation running on the local cable station.
It's for a 30 minute news program that the students do. I
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had to use rend24 to drom it down to 16 bit since I don't
have access to any frame acurate VTRs. I would like to get
into using the Toaster proffesionaly, but as the Louisville
area is rather big when it comes to the TV market I'm
afraid that catching a break is next to impossible.
Brian Bowles
If you have any Frame acurate VTRs to throw away... :-)
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.../Mailing Lists/Lightwave (mail to: lightwave@bobsbox.rent.com)
21400.3.3.424 Plumes and such...
11/24/92 13:54 4/ patrick@ll.mit.edu (Allan J. Patrick)
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As part of an animation I,m creating, I need to produce some reasonably good looking rocket plumes. I believe this is not a trivial task to do well. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who knows of some way to use lightwave to accomplish this e
ffect. I guess one might use dissolving polygons, but I'm not sure how this would be implemented. I'm already familiar with the atmosphere and cloud textures, perhaps these might be useful as well.
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.../Mailing Lists/Lightwave (mail to: lightwave@bobsbox.rent.com)
21400.3.3.425 Re: Editmaster
11/24/92 13:09 35/ tsui@ils.nwu.edu (Joshua Tsui)
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>Hi Guys,
>Does anyone out there has any experience with the Digital Editmaster by
>Digital Micronics, Inc. For all my single frame animations, I was thinking of
>buying it.
I can't wait to see if this thing will do everything they claim. Could put
some competition on Abekas.
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>Also, I am thinking of buying a professional video camera, I was thinking of
>Panasonic AG450, Does anyone out there has any experience with this camera, or
>if there are better cameras than this, in the same price range, I would like
>to know about that too.
The AG450 is not a very good camera. i've seen consumer camcorders look
better. The audio is mono and not hi-fi and overall picture quality is
poor (imho).
I'd look more into Hi-8 camcorders. I have a Sony V101 that is great and
has met my every need. If you insist on SVHS, check out the AG460, its a 2
chip so it'll be more pricy. Minolta has a 2 chip Hi-8 that is supposed to
be pretty good also.
I lean more towards Hi-8 because overall picture quality is better.
hope this helps
(Originators of the Napolean Complex)
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.../Mailing Lists/Lightwave (mail to: lightwave@bobsbox.rent.com)
21400.3.3.426 Re: Editmaster
11/24/92 13:44 40/ Scott Bethke <sbathkey@access.digex.com>
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> Hi Guys,
> Does anyone out there has any experience with the Digital Editmaster by
> Digital Micronics, Inc. For all my single frame animations, I was thinking of
> buying it.
No experience with it, But I cant wait to get one!
> Also, I am thinking of buying a professional video camera, I was thinking of
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> Panasonic AG450, Does anyone out there has any experience with this camera, or
> if there are better cameras than this, in the same price range, I would like
> to know about that too.
I use these cameras at school, they are very nice. the ag450 is almost
exactly the same as there ag190's (VHS), its just that the 450's are
Supervhs. Ive heard that the AG460 has some much better features, but
have never seen one to compare, but I think its got 2CCD's which would
improve resolution. BUT (<-- big but) The AG450 is hard to beat for the
price. One thing I think would be cool, is if panasonic would put there
5-pin edit protocal port on there camera's, so I could just use my ag1960
with an aga96 controler and plug in to my camcorder as a source machine.
being on a budget that would work great for me! Perhaps this is something